A hearty thank you to the New Orleans Musicians’ Clinic & Assistance Foundation for its support for smokefree music cities. This group recognizes the health threats posed by exposure to secondhand smoke.

Performers, including music professionals and other entertainers, showcase their talent in a variety of venues including theaters, clubs, casinos, and bars, and are regularly exposed to secondhand tobacco smoke and e-cigarette aerosol if there is no 100% smokefree law or policy governing those spaces.

Musicians exposure to secondhand and thirdhand smoke is dramatically higher than most other workers; in fact, secondhand smoke levels in smoke-filled bars, clubs, and casinos are significantly (400-600 percent) higher compared to offices. Performing in a smoke-filled venue irritates vocal chords, eyes, nose, and ears, making it difficult to give their best performance and compromises their health and well-being. This exposure puts musicians at a higher risk for acute and long-term health complications including heart disease and cancer.

Smokefree venues help protect musicians and the public from exposure to secondhand smoke and secondhand e-cigarette aerosol; smokefree cities provide protection for every worker in every type of workplace.

You can show your support for the health and safety of performing artists, music professionals, dancers, and other creatives by adopting a resolution, sharing your story as a fan or a performer, and sharing our information about the hazards of secondhand smoke and the benefits of smokefree air with your friends, family, and social networks. The more we communicate about the need and demand for smokefree air and how to successfully go smokefree, the more likely we can clear the air and protect everyone’s health.

See our Resources page for our model resolution and examples of adopted resolutions!