Smokefree Music Cities is a project of the American Nonsmokers’ Rights (ANR) Foundation in partnership with other public health and musician-oriented organizations working to improve musicians’ health. Our goal is to make all workplaces and public places safe, healthy, smokefree environments for all children and adults. Musicians are particularly susceptible to the hazards of secondhand tobacco smoke and vaping products/e-cigarettes given the amount of time they are required to perform in smoke-filled venues.

We work with musicians through partnerships with local or statewide organizations who are affiliated with musicians, such as the Atlanta Blues Society. In collaboration with our partners in public health and musician-focused organizations, we hope to engage more musicians and other professionals in the music industry to understand the health effects of secondhand smoke exposure, to communicate with their peers and encourage them to become engaged in the dialogue, to communicate to their audiences about the need for musicians to perform smokefree venues to protect their health and perform at their peak, and why they support cities going smokefree for everyone’s health and safety.

Smokefree cities prevent exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke, a significant health hazard, particularly for musicians who spend a great deal of time in smoky venues. 28 states and 1,216 cities and counties are smokefree, including many major music hubs including but not limited to Lafayette, Baton Rouge, and New Orleans (LA), Austin and Fort Worth (TX), Ashville (NC), Bowling Green (KY), Branson (MO), Atlanta and Athens (GA), New York City (NY), Chicago (IL), and Los Angeles (CA).

We encourage all music and musician-oriented organizations to adopt a resolution in support of smokefree music venues and smokefree cities. Organizations such as Band Ambassador Media Group, New Nashville Live, MusiCares, the Atlanta Blues Society, Folk Alliance International, American Federation of Musicians in New Orleans (Local 174-496) and Nashville (Local 257), and Smokefree Rights for All have adopted resolutions to protect musicians’ health and to keep the music alive! Individual musicians and music-lovers are also encouraged to share their stories or testimonials about their support for smokefree environments and/or their experiences working in or visiting smoke-filled bars and other music venues.

The ANR Foundation, a 501(c)3 incorporated in 1984, aims to promote nonsmoking as the national norm through prevention and education programs, information dissemination, technical assistance, and capacity building trainings. Our goals include educating the public about the health effects of secondhand smoke and the benefits of smokefree environments. Our efforts are intended to improve community health, prevent youth and young adults from starting to smoke, and ultimately to save lives from the disease and death caused by secondhand smoke. We have had significant successes protecting public health and saving lives through our efforts. The population protected by smokefree workplace, restaurant, and bar policies increased from 17% to 61% between 2006 and 2019. While the increase in protections is encouraging, 39% of the population continues to be exposed to secondhand smoke, a Group A carcinogen, known to cause cancer in humans.


“Smoking just seems so out of style these days. I mean, how uncool it is to consciously know what level of poison these things are on, yet continue to blow smoke everywhere. I mean, you’re taking away my right to oxygen… and that is just the uncoolest.”


 “Smoke-free venues give me peace of mind that my vocal chords will still be working by the end of the show. I’d love to see Tulsa become a smoke-free venue music city!”


 “Having been a heavy smoker in the past I realize the irrefutable damage it can do, not only to oneself, but to nonsmokers as well.
Our musicians and fans need to be protected from secondhand smoke.This is a health equity issue – everyone needs to breathe! I find it alarming that more music cities aren’t already smokefree. What’s going on Atlanta, Nashville, Las Vegas? It’s time for all cities to go smokefree!”


“Let’s clear the air…smokefree venues help me to live well and sing about it! 
I support Smokefree Music Cities. 
Won’t You?”